Nationals or Bust Week 15: The Finale
We made it! I've lost 11.5 lbs and learned some invaluable lessons, not to mention gaining a great support group. Whether it's two pounds or ten, getting healthier is always a good thing!
Nationals or Bust Week 6: I'm Not Perfect
Nationals or Bust Week 6: I'm Not Perfect.
We're still trucking, and I'm almost at the ten pound mark -- woot!
Nationals or Bust Week 5: Quick Check-in
Nationals or Bust Week 5: Quick Check-in.
We're over checking in on our health challenge at Dani's blog today. Come on over and see how I'm doing!
Check this out!
My twin sis and fellow author, Dani Wade, has set up a get healthy challenge for the next 15 weeks. I plan to participate so I can prep for the Golden Heart ® ceremony in July and all those new people I'll be meeting. You can participate too—author, reader, couch rider, it doesn't matter to us! The point is to get up and go, and encourage each other as we do it. :)
So hop on over to Dani's blog—here—and check it out. Today!