Funny Friday: T-shirt Sayings
This past week, a T-shirt I ordered from a campaign on Teespring came in, one I absolutely love.
The shirt was designed for author Jayne Rylon, and I saw it on her Facebook page. I loved it so much, I ordered two -- one for day, and one to sleep in. ;)
Then, this morning, when I went on FB, I saw another Teespring campaign, this one from author Kallypso Masters:
I might have to have that one too! (By the way, Kallypso is still running her campaign, so if you love this T-shirt as much as I do, go here.)
These two great T-shirts got me thinking about Christmastime and how my daughter and I like to sit and peruse the hundreds of catalogs that come in the mail just so we can read all the T-shirt sayings that crack us up. So, I thought I'd share a couple with you that made me laugh this morning (although I think the "Good Book" shirt above has got to be one of my favorites!). Any of these can be found with a simple Google search of the quote. Without further ado...
(Having totally kinky curly hair, I get this one, lol!)
And probably my personal favorite, having been raised with the story of Daniel and the lion's den (and wondering the whole time if I would've been the one eaten...):
Now, go forth and have a very funny Friday -- and don't forget to wear an interesting T-shirt!
~ Ella
Funny Friday: Romance GIFs
Saw this on Smart Bitches Trashy Books and couldn't resist sharing!
Romance Visuals: Thank God for GIFs
Funny Friday: Too Cute!
I love that show on Animal Planet, "Too Cute!" My husband just rolls his eyes and goes to play RP games in his study whenever I turn it on. But hey, animals are just plain funny. :) So, for today's Funny Friday, here's your dose of "cute" for the week. Enjoy! ~ Ella
Funny Friday: Fabio!
This has to be the funniest "romance cover" commentary I've seen in a while. Hilarious! Check it out: 19 Things Fabio Is Actually Thinking on His Romance Novel Covers
~ Ella
Funny Friday: True Facts About Owls
I saw this video shared on FB the other day and couldn't stop laughing! Enjoy a good laugh for your Funny Friday. :D [youtube]
Funny Friday: The Onion
I don't read The Onion, or any other online news site, really. I just don't have time to search sites on a regular basis. I rely on my FB news feed to expose me to the little funnies of my day, including this one from a fellow author. Just the title meant I had to click on it. :) Why don't you pop on over there and enjoy a little satire to get your weekend off to a great start!
Increasing Number Of Men Pressured To Accept Realistic Standards Of Female Beauty by The Onion
Funny Friday: Orbit Commercial
So I saw this for the first time last night. I laughed and laughed and laughed -- and not because of the actual storyline of the commercial. Yes, it's funny, but what's even funnier is a single line from the coffee cup: "I have your lipstick all over my rim!" Um, I'm an erotic romance author. Yes, my mind went way farther than the Orbit people probably intended! *snicker* Great pun...
~ Ella
Funny Friday: Grumpy Cat
It's been a bit of a rough week at Casa Sheridan, but next week? Ah, spring break! The kiddos and I are doing our Snoopy dances, let me tell ya! I got my grump on this week, but next week should be better. However, in honor of this week's grump, I'm sharing my favorite grump ever, Grumpy Cat. Here's a couple of funnies to brighten up your first Spring Friday...
Funny Friday: Frozen
I have to say, I really liked this movie. Still...this Honest Trailer for Frozen is hilarious! Have a very funny, happy, enjoyable Friday, y'all! ~ Ella
Funny Friday: A Peek Inside the Writer's Brain
I'm heading out for a writing retreat this weekend with my Music City Romance Writers buddies, and I am SO looking forward to it. A weekend to refill my creative well, enjoy the company of people who actually understand what I'm talking about (I know because their eyes don't glaze over!), and write, write, write! In honor of my excitement (!), here are some writing-related memes for your Funny Friday enjoyment. Yes, this is the way we think, lol! So the next time you meet your favorite author, just know that this is really how their brain works. :) Have a great weekend!
~ Ella
And if you ever wanted to know what it's like to not be able to write? This.
Funny Friday: Animal Crackers
This video had me cracking up from the beginning. Be sure your sound is on! [youtube]
~ Ella
Funny Friday: Back to Normal
So thankfully things are back to normal here at Chez Sheridan. And to start our weekend off on a lighter note than we began it, I give you Smart Bitches' 10 Things I Hate About Sex (Scenes). VERY funny, especially for us romance writers. :) Hop on over and take a look!
Funny Friday: For the Rocket Scientist
My husband is a rocket scientist. No joke. He has advanced science degrees that boggle my mind. But then he can't recite every correct use of the comma, so I decided not to let him intimidate me. :) But when I saw this meme, I knew I had to have it. It made me laugh; hopefully my rocket scientist will laugh and so will you!