Recharging My Batteries
At the beginning of this month, I treated myself to some time away, all alone. At first it was weird, but I found that I got a lot out of the quiet and the ability to focus just on my creativity, even if I wasn’t writing 24-7.
I was at one of my favorite kinds of places: woods and water! The cabin I rented sat, literally, right on the edge of a creek, with a swing on the screened-in porch where I could sit and listen to the water flowing over the rocks and write. One morning, I opened the door and walked onto the porch—and startled a blue heron fishing in the creek! When he flew off, his wingspan had to be six feet minimum. He was a beautiful sight!
As you can see, I spent some time dipping my feet in the water, hiking nearby trails, and walking along a lake in the town next door. This is where I wrote the Halloween short for Southern Nights (if you haven’t gotten your copy yet, go here:
), where I made connections and plotted and even wrote a little on Only for the Moment and my assassins project. And this is where I began to trust just a little more in my returning creativity and love for writing. 😊
What about you? Where do you go to recharge your batteries?
Do You Read Paranormal Romance?
The contest this month is all about paranormal romance.
Sherrilyn Kenyon is the first paranormal author I remember reading, Fantasy Lover, the book that started the Dark Hunter series back then. I went on to many others: Larissa Ione, Gena Showalter, Lora Leigh, Kresley Cole, JR Ward… Currently I’m enamored of the Jeaniene Frost’s Night Prince series, which is just how I like them—lots of conflict, sex, and usually a good bit of violence thrown in. 😉
So what about you — do you read paranormal romance? What’s your favorite? (My TBR never gets too long!)
Want to check out the Night Prince books? You can, right here:
Publishing Anniversary!
Today marks *FOUR YEARS* since my first book was released into the wild. Four years! WOW! I can’t get over how much has happened since then. Ten books. A couple more in the wings or waiting to be released. Building a career. Changes in my family. It’s been the most incredible journey, all thanks to my readers!
Today, to say thank you, I’m doing a FLASH GIVEAWAY just for you! Comment below with the first book of mine you ever read (if you remember what it was 😉 ), and you’ll be entered to win a $20 Amazon gift card (or other retailer of your choice) and a signed paperback copy of my first book ever, Dirty Little Secret.
Come on over to my Facebook page to enter!
October Contest!
My first love in romance was paranormal. Gimme a shifter, a vampire (oh, especially vampires!), anything “otherworldly,” and I am in heaven. For me the best way to escape my own sometimes stressful world is to enter a world that is totally unlike it, right down to the inhabitants. And I admit, as a justice-loving girl, there is something about having supernatural abilities to defeat the bad guys that is particularly appealing!
Every October as Halloween approaches, I remember my first forays into paranormal romance. I still love them, and I hope you do too, because this month I have a very special giveaway: a prize pack of Sherrilyn Kenyon goodies, including:
One hardcover and two paperback books, and lots of goodies such as a door hanger, and notepad!
One lucky commenter will win. All you have to do to enter is tell me what you enjoy most about Halloween. Is it the candy? Getting to dress up in costumes? The annual viewing of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” (Okay, that’s definitely mine. 😊) Why do you love that particular activity? Share your stories this month, readers!
*** Likes and shares with your booklover friends are appreciated but not required! Contest ends OCTOBER 27th — just in time for Halloween! ***
Friday Inspiration
I’m thinking about a nightclub scene in the next IF ONLY book, something sexy and sensual and definitely leading to…well, you know. ;) I’ve been garnering “inspiration” from the couple in this video.
Whew! I think I need a drink!
How do I find that balance?
In all honesty, I think that’s a never-ending journey. Every time a rock shifts, we have to realign. Every time something settles, we have to readjust. In this new stage of life, I’m still finding my way. I know I’m doing something right, though, because I’m writing. And I’m finding joy. Those are the best indicators of balance for me.
How about you? How do you find balance? How do you know when you’ve succeeded?
It’s an easy word to say. Not so hard to live.
A lot of the parts of my life are out of balance right now. Getting my oldest settled in college. My youngest getting his driver’s license—oy! Reorganizing my work so I have more time to focus on writing. Things falling by the wayside, and new things cropping up to stuff themselves in their place. If I’ve learned anything in over four decades of life, it’s that the chaos never stops, but my body and emotions need balance.
September Contest!
* * * September Monthly Contest * * *
Blue Collars Vs. Billionaires
September, finally! Cooler weather is coming, and before then, we get Labor Day — YAY! So this month I’m celebrating the broad range of alpha heroes by asking which one you like best:
*Blue-collar heroes – mechanics, soldiers, fighters…
*Billionaire heroes – CEOs, heirs with a cause, tech geniuses…
Tell me who you love! (Bonus points if you *show* me. ;) )
One lucky commenter will win e-book copies of TWO of my backlist books. (Already have them all? Enter anyway; I’ll give you two of another author’s backlist books instead!)
*** Likes and shares with your booklover friends are appreciated but not required! Contest ends SEPTEMBER 29th. ***
Hop on over and check out the contest on my Facebook page!
Field Trip: Dismals Canyon
Earlier this month my family took a trip together, something we don't get to do often with teenagers working and my husband and I so busy. We visited a place here in Alabama called Dismals Canyon. The canyon is a "pristine wilderness" you can read more about here. I've truly never seen anything this beautiful in the US.
The area is wooded, with massive sandstone chunks lying haphazardly around the canyon. One of the images below shows my husband next to an outer wall of the gorge, giving you the scale of what we were looking at. Dismals Branch, a crystal-clear creek, runs through the entire canyon with its beautiful sand-and-rock bottom. The waterfall at the entrance to Dismals Canyon is thunderous and, yes, the water is icy cold! (You can see my daughter and niece trying it out -- many squeals were heard, let me tell ya!)
At night the canyon walls reveal the reason for their name: a species of glow worms known as Dismalites that light up in the darkness. I've included an image here from the canyon's website, showing the Dismalites. It was impossible to photograph, but you can imagine the wonder of walking along the trails and realizing you'd been there just a few hours earlier and not realized such fascinating creatures were there with you until it became dark.
The entire area is peaceful, a great place for my family to reconnect and share in the wonder of nature. Have you ever visited someplace like this, a natural wonder that made you catch your breath?
International Hotties!
International hotties are on my mind—Fionn since I've just returned from his home country, and my fave Aussie, Isaac, while I write his and Kennedy's book. I thought, while I'm thinking about them, I'd take the time and also introduce them. (You know you wanna see, right?)
Fionn is the redhead, of course, and Isaac is the one trying to get out of his clothes as fast as possible, LOL!
And don't forget, this month's contest is a giveaway for title suggestion for Isaac and Kennedy's book. Be sure to enter for a chance to win one of five ebook sets of the two IF ONLY books!
#Watercooler Wednesday: What I've Been Reading
What better to talk about around the proverbial watercooler than our latest great find, right? I admit that I tend to be behind everyone else on the latest great book -- I spend so much time writing and working (editing other authors' stories), that I don't often get time to dive into a book for pleasure, but this past weekend, laid up with a stomach bug, I scrounged through my TBR pile and pulled out a book that ended up being the best I've read in a while.
He loves me, and he doesn’t even know my real name.
The limelight that follows him could expose everything I’m hiding.
But even knowing the risks, I can’t force myself to stay away.
I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it.
Will we lose it all when I reveal what’s beneath this mask?
Has anyone read this book? If you haven't, go get it NOW. I can't tell you how hard it is for me to lose myself in a book without mentally editing it like I do for my day job, but not here! Meghan does a fantastic job of immersing us in the characters and their problems and quirks and pain and joy. I already have the second book in the series, Beneath This Ink, and I can't wait for a free day to devour it!
Okay, that free day might be a long time coming, but at least I have what I know will be a good book to sink my teeth into when it finally comes!
What about you, dear readers? Have you been surprised by an unexpected romance find lately? Tell me about it -- I want to know so I can go check it out too. A TBR pile can never be too tall, you know. ;)
~ Ella
Release Day PARTY!
ONLY FOR THE WEEKEND is here! It's been a long time coming, it seems, though TAKE ME only released at the end of June, a mere five months ago. I think I just got used to having a new book out every other month. :) more waiting! You can read Jane and Vincent's story right now, for only 99 cents.
ONLY FOR THE WEEKEND is here! It's been a long time coming, it seems, though TAKE ME only released at the end of June, a mere five months ago. I think I just got used to having a new book out every other month. :) more waiting! You can read Jane and Vincent's story right now, for only 99 cents. And while you head over to grab your copy, I'm going to be putting on some music, because you know it's not a release day party around here without a book playlist and all the fun details behind the music I chose. So go download your book, and then come back here for some fun behind-the-scenes facts!
*By the way, don't forget to read all the way to the end to find out how to enter my release day giveaway. Two readers will win a heart-lock-and-key necklace from Oddoleather!*
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Each of my books has a "theme song." I can't help it; I write to music, and not the instrumental kind. I'm inspired by sound and emotion, and each book has a song that tends to grab on and not let go. Much to my dismay, Vincent and Jane didn't want to cooperate in this area for quite some time. In fact, the only song that seemed to catch THEIR attention was one I really didn't want to like.
You know who won that battle, don't you? ;)
So yes, the theme song for ONLY FOR THE WEEKEND is by the one-and-only Taylor Swift: "Style." And it fits Jane and Vincent so damn well.
What else was on the list? Oddly enough, another female artist ended up on repeat: Ellie Goulding with "Love Me Like You Do." That line, "What are you waiting for?" -- that was Jane all the way!
We've got the slow dancing down, obviously. Were there any faster songs on the playlist? There sure were! One in particular got put on repeat quite a bit: "Sugar" by Maroon 5. Yum!
Okay, one more. :)
Jane's story starts far before her night with V. in Las Vegas -- it starts eight years before, to be exact. The night she took a chance and propositioned her best friend's sexy older brother. That brother, Vincent, turned her down, for reasons she never learns until Vegas, but that doesn't mean the story's over. This song spoke Jane's broken heart to me in ways I might not have gotten otherwise. (Not to mention Gavin DeGraw's voice is di-vine.) "Not Over You."
All right, that's today's dance party, but that doesn't mean the dancing has to stop! You can go over to the If Only series page and see a full list of songs for this series, including the upcoming April release of Hank and Sage's book, ONLY FOR THE NIGHT. And don't forget your copy of ONLY FOR THE WEEKEND! You won't regret the two hours it takes to read it, trust me. ;)
I have a release week giveaway going on right now as well! Two readers will win these adorable heart-lock-and-key necklaces from Oddoleather (and yes, those are handmade suede pouches to store your necklace in). I've been drooling over these since they came in the mail, and I can't wait for them to be yours! (Sorry, US only.)
Go on over to the Rafflecopter page and enter the giveaway to win!
Have a great weekend!
~ Ella
Starting Anew
Starting a new book isn't easy for me. I see a lot of authors post about writing "The End," and then the next day's post is all about the book they just dived right into overnight. Believe me, I wish I was like that, but I'm soooo not! I'm currently working my way into Hank and Sage's book, and not only do I not have a title, but I don't have much actual "book." The scenes read more like sketches than anything else. There's no pizzazz, no wonder, no spark. It's like a story "bud" instead of a story ready to flower.
Lord help me.
But really, this is how every book is for me. I am a plotter, so I almost always have an idea of where the book itself is going, but also where the next few scenes are going in detail. Still, it takes me a while to find the "spark" that ignites both my interest and the characters' personalities. And with every book I worry I won't discover that spark. Where is it? When will I happen upon it? What if it never appears and this book sucks wet stinky socks?
You get the picture. I've never not found the spark, but it weighs heavy on my mind until I do. In the meantime, I pick up tiny bits of my characters' lives and personalities, bringing them slowly to life. Hank, for instance, has a dog. I didn't know that until this morning. Of course, neither Hank nor said dog care in the least that I have no dogs and know almost nothing about actually owning a dog. Hank said he had a dog, and so he has a dog. Oy. Now to figure out the dog's personality. :)
Thankfully I have plenty of time to meddle in other story ideas while this one fleshes out. Ian and Cassie's book, for instance, which I'm hoping to put out as a Christmas novella. And another small surprise novella that may or may not come out this year. Just depends on if I have time to figure out those characters along with my two currently ornery couples. We'll see. So many love stories, so little time!
Have a great week!
~ Ella
TAKE Me Is Live!
The day is finally here -- TAKE ME is live! There were days I had my doubts. :) Working with two heroes is never easy, but Peyton wrangled them well, and in the end Gabe and Sam were panty-meltingly awesome. I'm hoping you enjoy the three of them together as much as I do.
Take Me is available at the "Reader Appreciation" price of $1.99 until July 5th! You can get your copy at:
A nightmare coming to an end…
Peyton Harrison came to Claywater to bring her kidnapped son home. The last thing she expects is to run into Gabe Harrison, the man who abandoned her before her son was born. Her body might want to take up where they left off, but her heart remembers Gabe’s betrayal all too well—and everything she’d risk for momentary pleasure.
A past catching up to them…
Gabe always knew he’d share the love of his life with his twin brother, Sam, except he’d found that love far too young. He did the honorable thing and walked away, but now an adult Peyton is in his hometown and keeping secrets behind her world-weary eyes.
Sam is knee-deep in a drug investigation threatening the town he loves. Peyton’s arrival is a distraction he doesn’t need; still, he can’t deny her pull. He and Gabe have always stood together, but now the one woman they both want may be the one thing that divides them.
A future threatened…
When violence shatters their world, the past and present intertwine in ways none of them expected. Anticipating their enemy’s next move is the only way to keep their son safe, but what about their hearts?
To celebrate release say, I'm giving away a $20 Amazon Gift Card and a complete print set of the Southern Nights series! You can enter to win HERE.
I can't thank my loyal readers enough for making this possible. Each book starts with a kernel of an idea, but it is the love and encouragement of readers that helps me bring that kernel to fruition. I appreciate you all!
And now...let's celebrate!
~ Ella (*dancing around the living room!*)
Want a Free TAKE ME Preview?
I had the privilege of being included in a fantastic summer anthology called TASTE ME. This free anthology is kind of a "skip to the good parts" preview of more than twenty fantastic erotic authors' summer releases -- and TAKE ME was included!
Doesn't it look yummy? ;)
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TASTE ME is a collection of twenty-seven sexy scenes from the hottest releases of 2015, both newly released and coming soon. This all-star lineup of bestselling authors includes...
Tijan, Alessandra Torre, Lauren Blakely, Skye Warren, CD Reiss, Anna Zaires & Dima Zales, Red Phoenix, Cherise Sinclair, Kendall Ryan, Chelle Bliss, TK Leigh, Toni Aleo, Sam Crescent, Jenika Snow, Julia Sykes, Nina Levine, Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott, Ainsley Booth, Katy Regnery, Shari Slade & Amber Lin, Shoshanna Evers, Pam Godwin, Carolyn Crane, Molly Joseph, Ella Sheridan, Karla Doyle, and Brooke Cumberland
Download TASTE ME now for a sneak peek of Hold Me, the highly anticipated third book in the dark romance Twist Me series from Anna Zaires. Push your boundaries with a twisty scene from Tight by Alessandre Torre, one of the blockbuster books of the year. Sink your teeth into an alpha rocker bad boy in the not-yet-released Second Chance with a Rock Star from Shari Slade and Amber Lin.
Note: This compilation is intended as a FREE preview of this year’s hot releases to help readers find their next scorching read. May not be free in all countries due to price matching delays.
* * *
Gabe and Sam and Peyton's first night together is previewed in the anthology, along with so many other fantastic books. You can get your free copy from AMAZON or IBOOKS today!
And don't forget, TAKE ME is already available for preorder at a special prize of $1.99. Be sure and order yours and have it download to your e-reader the minute it releases on June 29th!
Take Me Cover Reveal and Preorder!
I feel like I've been working on this book FOREVER! No, it hasn't really been forever, just about three and a half months, but still... I'm so glad to finally be able to share the cover for the final installment of the Southern Nights series with you!
What do you think of Peyton and Gabe and Sam? Their story is almost here! In fact, you can preorder TAKE ME already through AMAZON and ALL ROMANCE EBOOKS. The official release date will be June 29th!
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A nightmare coming to an end…
Peyton Harrison came to Claywater to bring her kidnapped son home. The last thing she expects is to run into Gabe Harrison, the man who abandoned her before her son was born. Her body might want to take up where they left off, but her heart remembers Gabe’s betrayal all too well—and everything she’d risk for momentary pleasure.
A past catching up to them…
Gabe always knew he’d share the love of his life with his twin brother, Sam, except he’d found that love far too young. He did the honorable thing and walked away, but now an adult Peyton is in his hometown and keeping secrets behind her world-weary eyes.
Sam is knee-deep in a drug investigation threatening the town he loves. Peyton’s arrival is a distraction he doesn’t need; still, he can’t deny her pull. He and Gabe have always stood together, but now the one woman they both want may be the one thing that divides them.
A future threatened…
When violence shatters their world, the past and present intertwine in ways none of them expected. Anticipating their enemy’s next move is the only way to keep their son safe, but what about their hearts?
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TAKE ME will be available for the "Reader Appreciation" preorder price of only $1.99. Newsletter subscribers already have the first chapter in their hot little hands. If you've missed it, be sure to sign up soon to get all the latest news and goodies! And if you would like the chance to read my books before they release, for FREE, consider signing up for my Advance Review Team (must be a newsletter subscriber to qualify). There's no better way to be the first in line AND help get the word out to more readers who might love these stories as much as we do. :)
~ Ella
Release Day Dance Par-tay!
It's kind of become a tradition that past sixteen months (can you believe it's been sixteen months since Dirty Little Secret came out?) to have a dance party on release day, featuring the playlist for the new book. And since TRUST ME went live yesterday, today we are going to PAR-TAY!!!!
Jack and Maddie's story actually had two different playlists because it had two different incarnations. The first story, written a few years ago (and much lighter on the plot line), was heavy on the country music. I'm not a huge fan of country music, so I had to educate myself. But when it came time to revise Trust Me, a whole new playlist came to life. That's the one I'm gonna share with you today!
Of course, I couldn't get away from the country song that inspired the story itself. Trust Me's heroine, Maddie, has been on the run for years. Only the need to find a missing girl has drawn her out of the shadows. Her story was inspired by the Rascal Flatts song "Stand."
Trust Me's hero, Jack, is a badass, no doubt about it. From a young age he's taken care of himself, and now he takes care of those around him with everything he has to give. His theme song? "Train" by 3 Doors Down.
Jack and Maddie are explosive together. Whether they are sparring verbally or battling their way into (or out of) each other's arms, nothing comes easy for them -- until trust is built between them. Only then can Maddie give her body to him. Their first love scene (well, the first one that doesn't take them by surprise :) ) was inspired by one of my favorite songs from the latest album by Daughtry, "Baptized."
Another song from the original playlist that continued on to the final version of the story was another Daughtry favorite, "Tennessee Line" with Vince Gill.
There is one thing that draws me to Jack more than anything else (though yes, his bod is definitely a draw!). But I love the tenderness and determination he has to prove to Maddie that she can trust him, that he will live up to his promises, that he's not like the man who hurt her in the past. What song did I play over and over and over while I watched Jack struggle to earn Maddie's trust? "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling.
Of course, there are far more songs on Trust Me's playlist than just these. To see the rest, visit Trust Me's Extras Page here. And don't forget to grab your copy of Trust Me this week only for the "Reader Appreciation" price of $0.99!
One more thing! This week, IndieSagePR is hosting a giveaway for Trust Me's release. You can enter the Rafflecopter giveaway here before Friday, February 6th!
Trust Me Is Here!
And we're partying! Join me on Facebook today for the Trust Me Release Party, 12-2 CST. There will be fun, games, and prizes, so be sure and drop by!
Keep an eye out tomorrow for my traditional Release Day Dance Par-tay! here on the blog, celebrating the playlist that helped me bring Trust Me to life.
And don't forget to grab your copy of Trust Me this week at the "Reader Appreciation" price of $0.99. Now till February 7th!
New Year's Resolutions
Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
~ "Unwritten," Natasha Beddingfield
This song has struck me hard the past few months. Why? Because I've spent a lot of time working. A lot. There's no better way to describe it except maybe that I've been drowning. So many of us find ourselves in this place at some point in our lives, wondering how to get out of the hole that seems to be consuming us. So many of us never find the answer, but I was determined to. I want to "live with arms wide open," not with my eyes forever on a computer screen. And so my New Year's resolution is just that:
I want to live with my eyes, arms, and heart open -- to my family, to my creativity, to my faith, and most of all, to those around me.
I'm still figuring out what that means for me. My first step is to LOOK UP. I spend a lot of time looking down -- at the computer, at the ground, at my feet because I'm too shy or too self-conscious or too scared to meet other people's eyes. Not anymore. I'm looking up, really trying to see the world around me, not just the characters in my head or the work that's waiting for me.
There will still be plenty of characters, of course. TRUST ME will be here on February 1st. TAKE ME, book three in the Southern Nights series, will be released this spring, featuring the enigmatic Gabe Williams and his twin brother, Sam. Hopefully Ian's book in the Secrets To Hide series will be written and released later this summer. And if all goes well, there just might be a new genre on the horizon. That's right; my paranormal series, The Archai, is on my to-do list this year.
And in and around all of these great books will be lots of moments of living intentionally, of looking up and truly seeing and living, not burying my head in the sand or letting work rule my life. What about you? What is your New Year's resolution this year? Inquiring minds (like mine!) want to know... :)
~ Ella
Where in the World Is Ella? ~ Part 2
We continue my trip around the blogging world with a few more visits this week. Check it out -- and don't forget, some giveaways are still open!
Babbling About Books
Katiebabs is graciously hosting me on November 7th to discuss my take on the "write what you know" mantra for writers. You get to see how much of Teach Me really is "what I know." :)
I visited RftC to talk about why we love tough-guy heroes. Soldiers (like Conlan), cops, firefighters, MMA fighters...why do these tough heroes make us weak in the knees?
RftC is also hosting a giveaway, a copy of Dirty Little Secret and Naughty Little Christmas -- it's two books for one entry! :) Giveaway ends November 14th, so check it out ASAP.
On Just Romantic Suspense, I'm talking villains instead of heroes. What makes a good villain? What makes my villains perfect to hate?
Where in the World Is Ella? ~ Part 1
I began a blog tour last week for the release of Teach Me. It's been so much fun writing about the things I've learned and my thoughts on writing and reading, heroines and sexy, sexy heroes. You can click over to any of these blogs and take a look at what I had to say. Some of them still have open giveaways too!
Reading Cafe
The Reading Cafe hosted me for a guest post, "Five Things I Learned While Writing Teach Me." Julie B. kindly reviewed the book as well, so check out her thoughts on Conlan and Jess. This giveaway is open until Tuesday, November 4th!
This was a fun one! I did a little guest post called "Love on the Run," where I discussed the disadvantages of, ahem, sexy times while the villain is in pursuit. ;)
I gave an interview to Romance Junkies that, if not a tell-all, does reveal some interesting things about me, including what my "perfect" hero is like and the place I'd most like to be whisked away to...
I'm over at Savvy Authors talking about the Power of Perseverance, how important it is to keep going, keep pushing when you have a story you need to tell.
Swept Away is hosting me TODAY, Monday November 3rd, to talk about how absolutely crazy I am. No kidding. ;) Hop on over and have your fears for me confirmed, lol!
Where To Next?
Stay tuned! Next week I'll have a couple more visits to share, and maybe some more giveaways. Don't miss it!