Recipes to Cool a Blistering Heat!
I have so much going on over the next month! Two books to finish, school to start for my kiddoes, work to accomplish, and decisions to be made. Southern Nights will be live October 23rd with book one, Teach Me. *squeee!!!* :) I can't wait for this series to come out! And still there's more to come, like...
The latest Nice Girls Writing Naughty party!
Beginning today, Nice Girl (and FAB author) Jianne Carlo begins our NGWN August event, Recipes To Cool a Blistering Heat. Every day for the next two weeks, one of us Nice Girls will post a recipe sure to make the summer heat more bearable. We love sharing with you, our readers, the little things in our lives, including stuff we love to eat! And we want you to share with us too. That's why we're asking you to post your favorite recipes in the comments sections of the blog each day. Your recipe can be a drink (mine is!), an appetizer, an entree, or a dessert. At the end of two weeks, one reader will win the Grand Prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card. AND the Nice Girls, being nice ;) , will vote on the recipes we like most in each category, and the winners will also receive prizes!
Sound like fun?
Hop on over to the blog today (and the rest of the week) to share your yummy recipes with us and gain a chance to win one of FIVE prizes on August 17th! My post goes live tomorrow, and I assure you, it's cool, refreshing, and absolutely perfect for sipping off firm, beautiful abs. <3
And if you want to keep up-to-date with all the exciting things I've got going on these days (including new releases and fun contests), be sure and sign up for my newsletter. I promise not to hold back any sexy details -- or man candy. ;)
~ Ella
Summer for Love Blog Hop: Adult Game Night
UPDATE: Our winner for the $15 gift card is Elizabeth Hyatt! Thank you all for participating. Be sure and check back the week of July 4th for another great giveaway!
Welcome to the Summer for Love Blog Hop! I’m Ella Sheridan, your host(ess) for this page of your blog hop experience. I hope you enjoy!
Entry information for the contest is at the bottom of this post. Be sure you leave a name AND AN EMAIL ADDRESS in your comment to be entered in the drawing. Don't forget!
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Summer—it’s the time of no schedule, sleeping in, lazy days by the pool. It’s also the days of visits to the grandparents, midweek sleepovers, and the all-time parent favorite: SUMMER CAMP. So how can we take the most advantage of child-free summer nights? How about a trip down nostalgia lane? It's time for some of those games we played as kids and teens to make a second appearance -- for adult game nights. ;)
Who didn’t wish they could play Twister with the object of their blushingly adolescent desire? Now you can! Consider starting the game sans clothes, or taking off a piece every time you touch a color you’ve never landed on before (four colors = four pieces of clothing each). Another variation? Rub massage oil into each other’s skin before beginning the game.
Hide and Seek
Remember the buzz of anticipation in your belly as you waited in some hidden corner for whoever was “It” to find you? How about trying this game in the dark? You can also vary the game by playing multiple rounds, with the loser taking off a piece of clothing every time they’re found! (And if you haven’t read Cherise Sinclair’s Masters of the Shadowlands series, you should—the Masters have a particularly devious form of Hide and Seek they play in the Capture Gardens. You’re welcome!)
Simon Says
Set a timer. For the length of the time limit, “Simon” is allowed to tell his/her partner what to do—and I bet you can think of some pretty yummy commands, can't you? How about telling your partner to be silent…and then torturing them into making noise. When the timer goes off, “Simon” has to take his turn getting told what to do. Warning: This game can make foreplay go on forever, but the payoff is worth it!
Take off your clothes. Put on a blindfold. Let your partner surprise you. Enough said!
Truth or Dare
On small slips of paper, write down twenty questions that would reveal your partner's sexual fantasies. Then write down twenty activities you want to try with your partner in bed. Have your partner do the same. Put the questions in one bowl, the activities in another. Spend the evening in a candlelit room, wine at the ready, going through the bowls—and getting to know each other even better than you already do. ;)
Spin the Bottle
Here's a fun variation of this classic teen party game for two: On a piece of posterboard, draw a large circle and divide it into “slices.” Label each slice with an activity (touch, kiss, tickle, rub, etc.) and a body part (the two don’t have to go together). Place the posterboard in the middle of a room, empty a wine bottle (in whatever way you see fit), and place it in the middle. Take turns spinning. Whatever “slice” the head of the bottle points to, that’s the activity you must do. Whatever “slice” the middle of the bottle’s base points to, that’s the body part on which you do the activity. Creative, huh?
So what do you think? It gives a whole new meaning to “Everything old is new again,” doesn’t it?
In my first release, Dirty Little Secret, Cailin and Alex play their own version of Hide and Seek while on a ghost tour in downtown Nashville. Wanna see?
~ ~ ~ ~ Excerpt ~ ~ ~ ~
The group spread out to explore the area around the State Capitol Building, many heading toward the lighted side near President James K. Polk’s tomb. Alex stepped in that direction, but Cailin inhaled a deep breath, took a chance, and tugged him in the other. Barely visible, a hedge of evergreens lined the front area, providing a small alley of privacy she hoped to take advantage of.
“Where are we—”
Cailin used a fingertip to stop Alex’s question. Instead she drew him behind the evergreens, standing at least ten feet tall, backed him into the fragrant wall, and sank hastily to her knees.
Fingers trembling at the audacity of what she was about to do—and at the overwhelming desire to do it—Cailin reached up and placed both hands on Alex’s crotch. He choked even as his length hardened beneath her touch. The power she seemed to hold over his body awed her. Right now she’d use it to her advantage, for his pleasure.
Knowing seconds counted, she opened the button of his jeans by shoving her hands under his untucked button-down and giving a single flick to the top button. She didn’t even bother to lower the zipper all the way, just lowered it enough to maneuver the head of his shaft through the gap. His breathing bellowed in her ears, his pulse jumped between her fingers, and her mouth watered as she opened enough to take him in.
Fast. Frantic. She poured everything she had into pleasuring him, needing only the taste of his release on her tongue to satisfy her. She couldn’t tell if the sounds Alex was emitting were laughter or sobs. Either way, minutes later he was exploding in her mouth, his hands clutching her hair as he strained to empty every last drop into the moist cavern surrounding him. His salty release hit her tongue, and molten pleasure blinded her for long moments. Only Alex’s pulling back and the slide of his cock from her mouth returned her to the present.
“God, Cailin,” Alex said, strangled laughter making his words choppy, “what was that about?”
Standing, she helped him straighten his clothes until he was as presentable as they could make him in the almost nonexistent light. “It’s about surprising you,” she replied.
“I’d surprise you too, but I don’t think we have time for me to reciprocate.”
“Don’t have to. This tour was gift enough. Thank you,” she whispered as the sound of the others approaching filtered through the trees.
“You’re welcome, and yes, I do. And I will.” A hard, thorough kiss, then, “Just you wait.”
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If you enjoyed Cailin and Alex’s “game,” you can read the rest of their story in Dirty Little Secret. The second book in the Secrets To Hide series, Naughty Little Christmas, is also available. And coming July 1st — Just a Little More, book three!
Six weeks ago Angel had it all—a brand-new master’s degree, an apartment with her best friend, Brad, and the chance to take their friendship to a whole hot new level. But on the night of their first kiss, a would-be rapist ripped her bright future apart. Stuck in a never-ending cycle of fear and depression, Angel is determined to find herself again, even if it means putting herself at risk.
Brad has loved Angel since he saved her from a playground bully in the fifth grade. But just as it seemed Angel’s eyes were opening to the true feelings between them, it all fell apart. When Angel disappears on the night of a freak snowstorm, Brad is determined to find her. And when he does, he won't let her hide any longer. It's time to wake her up—to a life without fear, and to a love that can heal the deepest wounds.
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And now, a giveaway from The Romance Troupe!!
Grand Prizes: SIX $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Cards
Comment on this blog with your name and email to be entered into the Grand Prize drawing from TRR. Comments without a name and email will not be counted. Commenting on each and every stop will increase your chances of winning. Winners for the SIX Grand Prizes will be drawn and announced on THE ROMANCE TROUPE blog by June 10th.
Find a list of all stops here!
And there's more. Yes, MORE!
One lucky commenter will win a $15 gift card from Amazon or Barnes & Noble for some book shopping! Want more than one entry? There are two more easy ways to be entered for the prize:
1. Sign up for my monthly newsletter and get a second chance at the prize!
2. Friend me on Facebook for a third chance at the prize. Be sure to message me with your e-mail address so I can contact you if you win.
The winner of the Amazon/B&N gift card will be notified by Tuesday, June 10th, 2014. And keep an eye out for those big TRT winners! You can watch for that at the TRT site. I hope you enjoy some fun and adult games this summer!
~ Ella