My Sexy Saturday: Dirty Little Secret
Welcome to my very first My Sexy Saturday. MSS is a weekly blog hop where authors post 7 paragraphs or 7 sentences or 7 words from one of their books based on a theme, which this week is "Bump N Sexy!" That's right. We're talking hot 'n' heavy sex where you just can't wait!
Dirty Little Secret begins with just such an encounter. Alex and Cailin meet on the dance floor -- and what happens next is oh so sexy...
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Turning for a last look at the crowded dance floor, she followed him down the long hall, berating herself for the stupidity of the move but unable—or unwilling—to say no. Something deep down in her soul, some gut feeling she thought she’d lost when her marriage fell to pieces, trusted this man. Maybe it was the way he seemed to read her mind, to know what she needed before she did. The way he anticipated every move, as if even a breath didn’t escape his notice. She’d never felt like the center of a man’s entire concentration. She wanted more, wanted to bask in the intensity of Alex’s attention.
And the occasional employee passing them assured her they weren’t completely alone. If she screamed, someone would hear. Wouldn’t they?
A wide, heavy door marked, appropriately enough, OFFICE waited at the end of the passageway. Alex knocked, and a dark-haired man with classic playboy looks opened the door. The surprise on his face eased more of her worry. So this wasn’t a regular occurrence; thank God, even if she did want to sink through the floor in embarrassment.
“Damien, could I—”
“No problem.” The man didn’t ask for an explanation, and his cheeky grin said he didn’t need any. “Just lock up when you leave.” He nodded politely at Cailin before turning to walk back the way they’d come.
Alex gave a rueful snort and dragged her inside. The minute the door clicked shut, he had her backed against its unforgiving surface. “I’m sorry,” he whispered roughly. “I need—”
Cailin kissed him before he could finish.
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Dirty Little Secret (and it's sequel, Naughty Little Christmas) is on sale 25% off, this month only, at All Romance ebooks, so be sure and grab your copy soon to find out all the dirty little secrets Cailin and Alex must overcome. You can read more about the books in the Secrets To Hide series here.
And be sure to check out the other My Sexy Saturday blogs here, with lots of other great snippets of "Bump N Sexy" scenes. Enjoy!
~ Ella